Ultra Madness Disclaimer
Participating in endurance events, whether running or walking, has inherent risks involved and could potentially be considered a hazardous activity. The Ultra Madness and associated parties are not responsible for any injuries or deaths. You must have medical clearance from your doctor before you engage in any exercise program and are properly trained before participating in these types of events.
Distance training and racing can also be a highly addictive sport. Not only can there by physical setbacks, but mental, psychological, social and financial setbacks as well. The Ultra Madness Club will not be responsible for any of the above conditions incurred by you.
It is not our intent for anyone to get injured trying to push their limits. When you become an Ultra Madness member you accept responsibility for all your injuries, illnesses, mishaps, including but not limited to the above items mentioned. When you are initiated into the club, you waive and release the Ultra Madness Club and associated parties, its members and sponsors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of your participation in endurance events.
Suck it up, you're Mad.
Join the MADNESS: Go long, get dirty, and pound your soles for the most EPIC challenge out there.