Database FAQ

Members Heading

My Profile Page – This page is a snapshot of your recently run races (assuming you’ve added them to your race list); and your upcoming events (again, as long as you’ve added your name to the race calendar), this page is auto populated based on your interaction on the other pages.

My Races Page – This page lists all the races you’ve run in detail (as long as you’ve entered them). On this page, members have the option of editing or deleting any entry. To edit, simply click the pencil icon box on the right of each race entry. You also have the option of sorting your list based on the different fields. To do this, just click the heading at the top of the list (for example, to sort your races based on finish time, just click the “Finish Time” link. You can also sort by race name, date, city / state / country, finish time or distance.

Adding A Race – When adding a new race to your race list, simply click the “+” button at the top right of your race list. Race name, date, finish time, country, state, event distance, distant type and race results link are all required fields.
Optional fields are the city, bib number, elevation, course profile link, race Garmin Link and any remarks you have about your race.
NOTE – if you are competing in the elevation challenge you must add your name to the race calendar for that event. Once the date of that event passes, you will be prompted when logging in to confirm that you have completed the race (you will see that prompt at the top of the leaderboard page). Once you confirm your completion of the race, the elevation and course profile link will be auto populated with the advertised elevation gain. Manually altering the elevation field will not be an option, so if your smart watch has given you a different number, sorry. All participants of the same event will be awarded the same elevation (which is based on what the race has advertised on their website).
NOTE #2 – If there is proof that an advertised course profile is inaccurate, the admins of this club can and will review and adjust accordingly.

The My Races Page is not intended to be a placeholder for future races, please use the race calendar. Add your name to the event and it will show up on your profile page.

My Calendar – This page is a snapshot of all the races you’ve added your name to on the race calendar (we will explain how to add your name further down this list). On this page, you can enter the participation type (options are Running, Interested, Staff / Crew, or Volunteering). To the right of each listed race you’ll notice a check box named “Arrangements Made” This box is to help you keep track of races you’ve already made arrangements for (examples would be, paid for race, made your travel plans, etc.). Comments field is where you can write a reminder of the specific arrangements you’ve made for that event. Finally, if you’d like one of the races removed from the list, simply click the “Leave Race” link.

Change Password Page – you can change your password here<<<.

Calendar Heading

Upcoming Races Page – The race calendar lists all future races that have been added. We also allow races to stay on the calendar for 7 days after they have pasted to allow members easier access in case they need to look up results. After 7 days, the races drop off and then can be found on the “Past Races” page. On the race calendar page, you can add your name to any race you will be running by clicking the “Join Race” button. Your name will be added to the race and that race will show up on your “My Calendar Page”. Next to each race there is a member count number. This is a list of all the members that have added their name to this race. To see the list, just click the number and a list will pop up will all members' names who are scheduled to be at that race. If you’ve joined a race you no longer plan to run, you can remove your name by clicking the “leave race” link.

All race names are linked with the race's website, simply click the race name and you’ll be taken to the race's website.

Race Discounts! Races that have a tree silhouette next to the race name have a member discount. Click the tree icon, and the discount will be given. Please do not share this discount with nonmembers.

Request A Race Page – This page allows you to request a race be added to the calendar not yet listed. Please provide the event name, date, accurate website, country, state, distance and if that distance is miles or kilometers. If the race provides a course profile link, please add the elevation gained and the link to that information. Please be accurate. Race website's need to be legitimate. Facebook links or race registration pages are almost always rejected, so make sure the race provides their own page. Please allow up to 48 hours for approval, especially if you submit on a weekend.

Past Races Page – This page is identical to the race calendar, except it lists all races that occurred in the past.